6 Reasons to Join My Online Program
It's the start of a new year, you've laid out your resolutions and I can bet your bottom dollar that you've included a few around your health right? Mmmm..... so how's that working for you so far? If you're like most people, they lasted a day, or maybe a week at best, but more than likely you haven't started any of them! But I have developed something for you that will not only help you stick to your new year's resolutions around health, but actually help you achieve them for life, so you'll never have to diet or make new year's resolutions around your health again!
Most of us tend to struggle with some key basics when it comes our food and knowing what to eat to get healthy or lose weight. This is partly due to a lack of knowledge, or confusion surrounding so much conflicting information. Should I be doing Paleo? Should I be doing raw vegan? Should I be going low fat and counting calories? OR should you just be eating healthily?? I would never have guessed in a million years that knowing how to eat a healthy diet could become so dam confusing for people! It's actually insanity when you think about it! Can you imagine your grandmother or your great grandmother being told they needed an online program and a stack of books to tell them how to eat? They'd think you were bonkers! Why? Because they instinctively knew and never questioned the basics of what constituted a good diet, because it is simply what they ate.
But alas, alack, the sad reality is we do need some help in today's day and age, which is why I developed my 6 WK Eat Yourself Healthy Program, to not only get you back to basics, the way nature intended, but to show you how to understand exactly what's healthy and what's not - despite what you may have read, or what the front label says! I'll also be teaching you how to fix your gut so that you can tackle a whole range of health problems and be the healthiest version of yourself. Remember it's not just what you put into your body that determines your health, but what your body does with the food you feed it!
So if you've been contemplating doing my program, but want to know a little more, then here are 5 reasons it could be right for you!
1. You want access to my health and nutrition advice, but can't afford a one-one consultation
The information I provide on my 6WK online program around food and nutrition, is the same as I offer to my patients in one-on-one consultations, only a whole lot more! The reason why, is because we're not restricted by the time limits of a personal consultation! This is the beauty of the online program - I'm able to drip feed you with a whole lot more detailed information through my daily educational videos, and you can play them back as often as you like during the program! So you'll never feel as though your brain is about to burst, like it can from a one-on-one consult! The best part is, you get more for less! More info for less than the cost of a one-on-one consultation!
2. You don't have time for a personal consultation, but want the convenience of advice and support in your own home.
If I had a dollar for every time I received an email saying "I've been meaning to get onto my health and come and see you for ages".....I'd be a very wealth gal! Time, or the lack of, is one of our biggest enemies nowadays, but there is no excuse to say "I don't have time to book a personal consultation" with the 6WK program, because you can watch the videos and go over the reading material in your own time, at your own convenience, so there's never any pressure! You'll also have direct access to me via my online support page, where I'll be answering your specific questions or concerns. And there's no need to worry if something on the program isn't suitable or working for you, because I will be there to tweak any element to suit your individualized needs.
3. You need someone to guide and motivate you each day to get your health back on track
It's all very well to read a book or consult a nutritionist on your diet and health, but what so often happens as soon as you walk out their door.... that motivational high you're on can quickly wain and you're left with a pile of hand scribbled notes to decipher when you get home. Reality then hits and you sigh, "I'm just never going to know how to do this on my own". But would it make any difference to your compliance if you had a nutritionist in your own home each day, providing you with direction in bite sized chunks? I bet for most of you it would, and that's exactly what it feels like on the 6WK EYH Program, when you receive your daily educational or recipe demonstration video, in addition to the weekly meal plans, huge online recipe library and shopping list to teach you how to stock your pantry with healthy food! Not to mention the online chat forum where you can join fellow members along your journey.
Once you sign up, you can access my 6WK online program anywhere, anytime on your computer or mobile device, so you'll never be stuck with not being able to jump online when you need to.
5. You need help with specific issues
Pretty well everyone has some sort of health issue. For some it can be really minor, whilst for others it's a complex conundrum of symptoms they've been battling to unravel for years! But the good news is, no matter where you are with your health or what your health problem is, we can all benefit from starting with the basics - learning how to switch off chronic inflammation and ensure you're getting the most from your food - through fixing your digestion. Through the 6WK EYH program I'll teach you how to do just that, so it honestly doesn't matter what your health issue, you'll still see an improvement, even a total remission, through learning how to control inflammation and proper digestive function.
So…..what are you waiting for? Join my Eat yourself Healthy online program today and find out exactly what to eat to get healthy and stay that way for life! If you have any more burning questions check out the FAQs page or send an email to support@eatyourselfhealthy.com.au